Years 2024 – 2020
- 13/9/2024 Contea Foundation and the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions sign a collaboration agreement to promote Economic-Financial Education
- 11/9/2024 Soledad Núñez Ramos, new President of the Management Committee of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions (FGD)
- 7/3/2024 Authorisation for issue of the FGD’s 2023 annual financial statements
- 26/1/2024 Information note on the FGD’s collaboration in the Financial Education Plan
- 6/6/2023 Information note on the positions of FGD employees at the EBA and EFDI
- 7/3/2023 Authorisation for issue of the FGD’s 2022 annual financial statements
- 4/5/2022 The Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions (FGD) increases transparency of information on how contributions to the deposit compartment are calculated
- 21/6/2021 José Luis Ballesteros, new General Manager of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions (FGD)
- 3/9/2020 The Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions (FGD) resumes face-to-face service with the public
- 15/3/2020 The Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions (FGD), in response to the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, resumes its face-to-face service with the public
Years 2019 – 2016
Years 2015 – 2011
- 18/3/2015 Information of interest to holders of cash deposits at Banco de Madrid, S.A.U.
- 11/6/2014 Ability of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions to honour its commitments
- 11/6/2014 The Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions sets the date for the first payment under the second tranche of the contributions provided for in Royal Decree-Law 6/2013 of 22 March
- 23/12/2014 The Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions sets the dates for the outstanding payments under the second tranche of the contributions provided for in Royal Decree-Law 6/2013 of 22 March
- 22/11/2013 Press release, explaining the terms of the first tranche of the contributions provided for in Royal Decree-Law 6/2013
- 18/7/2013 Announcement of the result of the tender offer for shares of Catalunya Banc
- 18/7/2013 Announcement of the result of the tender offer for shares of NCG Banco
- 10/6/2013 Approval of the tender offer for shares of Catalunya Banc and NCG Banco
- 10/6/2013 Tender offer for shares of Catalunya Banc
- 10/6/2013 Tender offer for shares of NCG Banco
- 7/3/2012 1/6/2012 Sale to Banco Sabadell of the entire share capital of Banco CAM
- 7/3/2012 Restructuring Plan of Unnim Banc, S.A.
- 7/12/2011 Restructuring Plan of Banco CAM
- 17/10/2011 Royal Decree-Law 16/2011 of 14 October, creating the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions, came into effect on 15 October 2011. The purpose of the new Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions remains that of guaranteeing deposits held at credit institutions, up to a limit of €100,000, while also taking action to improve the solvency and soundness of credit institutions. This Royal Decree-Law also announces the dissolution of the three existing Deposit Guarantee Funds of Credit Institutions (the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Savings Banks, the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Banking Institutions and the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Cooperative Banks)