Financial statements

Here you can find key financial information on the FGD and view its annual reports.

Illustration with flat features
Available financial resources / Coverage level

Available financial resources / Coverage level

The volume of financial resources available in the deposit compartment as of the 31st of December, 2023 is 8,134 million euros (0.92% of guaranteed deposits on that date).

In this way, the FGD has comfortably reached the minimum coverage level of 0.8% (Target Level) before July 3, 2024, the latest deadline established by European regulations.

Comparative graph of available financial resources and the level of coverage over the years
Covered cash deposits

Covered cash deposits

The admissible and guaranteed cash deposits from the deposit guarantee compartment amounted, as of the 31st of December 2023, to €1.328 billion and €889 billion, respectively. Furthermore, the percentage of depositors with fully guaranteed amounts, as of this date, amounted to 96.6%.

Graph of guaranteed monetary deposits over the years
Guaranteed deposits of securities

Guaranteed deposits of securities

As of the 31st of December 2023, the guaranteed and covered values amounted, respectively, to €476.9 thousand and €100.4 thousand. Furthermore, the percentage of depositors with fully guaranteed amounts as of this date amounted to 92.2%.

Graph of deposits in guaranteed securities over the years
Annual contributions by institutions

Annual contributions by institutions

To reach the Target Level, credit institutions have been contributing a percentage of their guaranteed deposits to the FGD, of which has varied over time. The last contribution, corresponding to 2023, was collected in February 2024.

Graph of the annual contributions of the entities over the years