International > The FGD in the EU and other international organisations

The FGD in the EU and other international organisations

The FGD works alongside various European authorities and international bodies in building regulation and promoting best practices within the deposit guarantee industry.

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Collaboration with the European Banking Authority (EBA):

European Banking Authority (EBA)

Role of the FGD in the EBA

Since 2018, the FGD has been a member of the working group set up by the European banking regulator and tasked, among other matters, with promoting EU-wide application and technical development of deposit guarantee regulations.

The European Banking Authority (EBA) was established in 2011 by the Parliament and the Council of the European Union and is responsible for building and implementing single banking regulation within the EU, otherwise known as the Single Rulebook. It also ensures the availability of mechanisms so that the supervisor can apply these rules in a consistent manner, thus helping to ensure a level playing field across the EU, contributing to financial stability and providing extra protection for depositors and bank customers in general.

In developing this Single Rulebook, the EBA relies on binding Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) and Guidelines, all of which, in the interests of transparency and process efficiency, are discussed and made known to national authorities and other interested parties prior to their release. When going about this task, it sets up technical working groups and standing committees, in which national authorities can provide input. Public consultations are also carried out on policy proposals.

In 2018, the EBA set up a working group known as the Task Force on Deposit Guarantee Schemes, or TFDGS, composed of representatives of the various deposit guarantee schemes operating in Europe and the national authorities tasked with managing them, which in Spain is the FGD. The TFDGS operates as a platform for scrutinising regulatory proposals relating to deposit insurance, thus improving the protection of European depositors.

The EBA has issued various standards and publications regarding deposit insurance:

Collaboration with other bodies within the European Union:

Collaboration with other international organisations:


The FGD in international guarantee fund associations


Cross-border cooperation with other funds


The Banking Union and the third pillar